I feel so trapped in every way.
I feel sick with anxiety and riddled with disdain.
everything i worked for has been acheived and yet I'm still here
I love music so much that I cry and my heart aches for it but I have to wonder what it is I'm doing sometimes.
I bend over backwards, I skip lunch, I get used up until I can no longer help myself for it.
I am a cow that is continously milked, patted on the head occasionally, and always used.
At any chance I get I've been locking down.
Staying in my room. Sleeping. Listening to La Dispute and trying to make the days longer with my mind.
I'm so sad and tired but I don't complain.
This is what I asked for right?
If I don't want to do something then that settles it.
But I can't just up and quit.
The seams are too tight and the beadwork has already been made.
There's things I want to do.
But god, I just don't even know who the hell I am sometimes.
I'm trapped into remaining distant.
Trapped into working like a dog for nothing.
Trapped into biting my tongue and smiling when cued.
Sometimes I wonder if this feeling will pass.
But part of me knows that it wont....not this time.
This would be good prose. Very moving, but you have written it as a poem. Could it become a song, or is it already?