Thursday, July 29, 2010

Remaining strong enough to keep what I feel to myself has always been something I've managed to be proud of. I take absolutely no joy in taking a facebook status and venting all over it. Never will you catch me saying FML or anything of that sort because to be frank it's weak. It's not even just that it's a weak minded quality to me but it's also completely discouraging.
I hate when people complain. No one ever wants to help a person whose constantly hating their life for no real reason. I mean even when i was at my LOWEST points. even when I was in the hospital and even though I could've made some sort of contact to the world and let a bit of what was going on shine through I chose not too. In fact I didn't even mention anything about it to anyone for several days and even when I did it was completely vague.

So there's no reason for it and it really pisses me off. We all have shitty days where all we want to do is find a stranger, punch the shit out of them just to let off some steam, and go on with our day but there's no need to complain about it. You have to at least try. I'm most certainly not the most optimistic person in the world but I do believe in trying. I do believe in breathing. There's really nothing to lose. But you have to believe for yourself and you have to be strong within yourself and you need to be real with others.

fuck, in many ways this is the reason we barely talk because I just hate that fucking quality about you.

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