Friday, July 23, 2010

This is the best summer I've had. I haven't gone anywhere and I don't really want to. All I want is here. I'm seventeen and an intern at Warner Fucking Records right underneath Atlantic and FBR. I am fucking shipping pre-orders for EatMeWhileI'mHot, being praised for showing my boss this HILARIOUS poster a fan girl made for Christofer Drew, and I have the most badass official looking laminate you have ever seen. I've already gone to a couple shows and have a shit ton more to go to. I'm meeting Paramore....something I've been dreaming about since before high school. I'm really trying. So yeah, this is an amazing start.

When I was at Warped on Saturday something inside me changed. I was out there by myself surrounded by thousands of people who enjoy music and I felt terribly unafraid. I knew for sure that this was what I wanted to do. I wanted to tour.It was such an amazing feeling. I didn't feel alone in fact when other people from school asked me if i wanted to tag along I said no. I met bands, bought a shit ton of merch, and at the end of the day I felt stoked on life. I've just been trying to hold onto that feeling and make sure it stays around.I'm not afraid to go out by myself and my minds not racing when I do. I think it's just me growing up a bit.

My favorite song at the moment is "So,In This Hour" by The Rocket Summer. Now, it's no secret that most of Bryce's songs are written about his amazing and gorgeous wife Tara (she really deserves every lyric) but to me it's always about music. It's always a song about living for music, giving up yourself and fully committing to something that makes you come alive.That song is just IT for me. It motivates me but most importantly it just puts things I can't explain into words.

"So in this hour, everything I do will be all for this moment. Everything's for You. My heart is open and willing so take it."
"So please take my life and use it. I'm ready"

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