Saturday, March 20, 2010

dear sky, what the fuck is going on here.

All that's left for me to do is look up into the sky and wonder why all these good things are shining through. I know it's only been two brilliant days so far but still it feels like a lifetime.

Today was the first legit spring day in New York City. A week before it was 40 degrees but today it was soaring 70 and skin was definitely the major code of dress. I woke up and cleaned the kitchen till it was sparkling. Something I don't think I've ever done in my whole life. I woke up my mom which I haven't done since I was still a little kiddie. And decided that today was also gonna be as brill as the last one so i said "let's do brunch in williamburg". So off we went to williamsburg and wow, the amount of interesting people out there was such a lovely thing to see. Everyone decided they wanted a piece of the sky. And with the sun shining and my mom saying she would drive me to Philly in the summer to see paramore (yes, i am excited!!) I couldn't even really stop myself from smiling everywhere and just being thankful. I played a ukulele. which is such a lovely instrument. I mean the sound on that thing is so pure. (totally getting one). And as if that was not enough I saw Big D.

The thing about a ska crowd is that people don't care as much. You just dance. who gives a fuck. When I say everyone in the highline was skanking or moshing or...a combination haha I am not lying. And as the band played their last two songs I'm pretty sure it was LAX and My Girlfriend's on Drugs it was so intense. Everyone was breathing and living. Shit, even the roadies creeped up from the backstage and dived into the crowd.....all 5 of them. I even got out of my comfort zone and skanked with the rest of them. such good wholesome fucking vibes. Amazing night. Amazing Day. I love Big D....I hope they stay around for another 15 years.

And just to keep the merry men going, I plan on walking over to that delightful little coffee shop in the morning ,getting some drink that sounds really weird and just enjoying this feeling circulating through my bones. Suddenly I want to decorate and create. I want candles and lace. um, I want a ukulele haha it's all so surreal.

It's kind of weird describing my day. But I think I like it.

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