I read this off another blog i follow which i recommend to everyone. The erm, blog owner/writer has such an amazing outlook on things. The kind of women who has pretty flowers in her apartment and makes different recipes on her off days.
" i have enough. sufficient for my needs.i am content.yes, there are things/people in my life that cause me great anxiety.there are many unknowns.i get frustrated with myself...especially my younger self.but i am content.happy to have ceej. a little home. family.i love my oatmeal breakfast, my morning yoga at home, reading books,and writing on pads of paper.i am progressing in my contentment...the more i learn to be self-sufficient, the less i feel i need things.my time spent learning about bread and gardens is time spent away from things.the less i feel i need, the more content i am.i am crossing more and more off my list...not because i accomplished them or obtained them,but because i am letting go,welcoming a more simple life.it's a good feeling to let go.to be content.yes?"
You have to let go by picking up your bags and changing the lugguge. Not just by walking away, it takes a change. here's the link to the lovely blog i semi-stole this from : http://ageoldtree.blogspot.com/
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