Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I am waiting for something to go wrong/ I am waiting for familiar resolve"

I've had enough lately.

When things become too much I run away. Take for example school. I think i've cut all my classes after lunch for the past week. I don't clean. I don't move. I just want to break away for a minute. Seems like when i was younger we were constanly on the go....usually Texas, Jamaica, or Ocean City. I didn't really appreciate it thenbut i'd do anything to just be in an empty hotel room and sit in a balcony. Every thing's so fucking demainding. Either I'm working on my blog which actually takes a shit load of my time, doing some school crap, or being tutored against my will. And the worst part is a really don't care. I've failed trig again which probably means i'll have to take it again next year or summer school. Suddenly I'm so small and not enough. Someone who you'd hang out with for an hour but never more. I'm really tired of saying "help me" in my head.

I wish i could just say fuck it and stay in my bed all day but i can't. This last month of school is beating the shit out of me. I'm tired of being by myself. I know this is a shitty post but i don't really feel like talking. I just want someone to be around for a while. Someone who's true.

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